StudentLeader Academy
Grades 5-8 – Advisors Mrs. Lawman and Ms. Mastey
“ And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love tenderly and to walk humbly with your God.” Micah 6:8
Are you a leader on the sports field or in the classroom? Are you interested in becoming a better leader? StudentLeader Academy may be the right fit for you! This club, for students in grades 5th-8th, will meet 30 minutes twice a month. During the first several meetings, StudentLeaders will develop leadership skills centered around virtues taught in Micah 6:8 using activities, games, or short videos. Then the StudentLeaders will become the teachers and plan and teach activities for students in grades K-4.
Why StudentLeader Academy?
Students develop strong character and leadership skills that will continue to progress throughout their high school career.
Student Leader Academy unlocks the potential of a leader in each student.
Students are encouraged to navigate through their leadership journey in a safe environment.
Students are given the opportunity to share their skills and knowledge with students in the K-4 level, bridging the gap between elementary and middle school.
Students become hands-on in their school communities.
Being centered in faith, students will not only fine tune their leadership skills, but also strengthen their faith through the virtues taught in Micah 6:8.